Event Landing Page

Last Updated: 20 June 2020


April 23 - April 25, 2014

Silicon Valley, San Jose, California, USA

Call for Papers

The Service Research and Innovation Institute (www.thesrii.org) is a global organization of professionals from industry, research organizations, academia and government from all around the world. The SRII mission is to drive innovation for "IT-Enabled Services" at the global level. The Annual SRII Global Conference is a unique forum for researchers to share their work on all of the key areas of IT-Enabled Services connecting the Science & Engineering of Services to major verticals such as health care, finance, telecom, retail, education, government, and energy, to name a few.

Call for Papers

We welcome unpublished papers which are not under review by any other conference or journal. Authors are invited to submit contributions presenting research results, state-of-the-art concepts, practical standards, running experiments, implementations, applications, and industrial case studies. All conference tracks are open to both scientific and industry contributions.

Topic tracks include:

Cloud/Mobile Service

Service applications

Internet of things

Security, privacy and trust

Big Data Analytics

Data mining

Knowledge management

Consumerization of IT and Social Networking

Enterprise-consumer interaction

Crowd sourcing, crowd funding, crowd innovating

Data scraping

Service Science and Innovation

Engineering/ Manufacturing Services

Intelligent service design/Service engineering

Knowledge management

Service quality

Service lifecycle


Medical IT systems

IT for medical treatment

Patient mediated care

Education Service


Asynchronous/Distant learning

Learning communities

Smarter Cities & E-Government

Environmental Services

Transport and Logistics


Service in emerging economies


In addition, proposals for panels, workshops and tracks on related topics are invited.

Paper Submission Guidelines

The conference will review all submitted papers for quality and appropriateness to the Conference theme. All presented papers will be published in the Conference proceedings. SRII will also pursue the publication of selected papers in a leading research journal.

Further information and detailed guidelines on the submission process can be found at:

Papers must be submitted to the following EasyChair site:

Important Dates

Full paper submission – October 30, 2013

Notification (Full Paper) – January 1, 2014

Revision submission (if necessary) – February 28, 2014

Final notification – April 1, 2014

Camera ready paper – April 1, 2014


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Program Chairs: