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Last Updated: 24 March 2015

Kris Singh

SRII President & Chairman of the Board

Kris Singh has been a senior leader in the IT industry for more than 25 years. Kris has worked for major IT companies in the Silicon Valley like IBM Research, AMD, Intel and National Semiconductor. At IBM Almaden Research Kris has been the Strategic Programs Director for IT Services Research and where he created the global IT Service Research and Innovation Institute, SRII (www.thesrii.org). SRII mission is to drive IT Innovation for major sectors of economy and build a better world. SRII members include senior leaders from industry, academia, research, government and key professional organizations at the global level. SRII organizations and initiatives are growing all around the world. Before IBM Research, he has been the Director at AMD CTO Office responsible for Product and Technology roadmap definition working closely with major customers and industry ecosystem partners. Prior to AMD CTO Office, Kris worked for Intel as a Director of the Data Center technology/ product/solution roadmap planning team. At Intel he worked with CIO’s around the world to better understand the Data Center “Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)” model and help drive down the cost of IT Services/Solutions. Before Intel, Kris has been with National Semiconductor where he managed various groups like Product/ Technology development, Global Manufacturing & Suppliers Management, and major Customer programs.

While working in the IT industry Kris has also been connected with academia. Kris has been an Industry Fellow in the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley, and an adjunct professor in the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science department at Santa Clara University, CA. He is on the Advisory Board at several major universities helping drive “Innovation in Education system and building Entrepreneurship program”.

Kris is also on the board/advisory member of several startup companies in Silicon Valley and he is a regular speaker at major forums/conferences around the world.

Dr. Yan Chow

Director of Kaiser Permanente (KP) Information Technology’s Innovation & Advanced Technology SRII leader for IT Innovation for Heath Care Services

Dr. Yan Chow is the Director of Kaiser Permanente (KP) Information Technology’s Innovation & Advanced Technology Group (IAT). IAT identifies, assesses, and makes internal recommendations on new and emerging clinical information technologies that will impact health care in the next 2 to 5 years. IAT is affiliated with KP’s Sidney R. Garfield Center for Health Care Innovation, an advanced 37,000-sf laboratory for care delivery simulation. Dr. Chow has had a successful clinical practice at KP for 26 years. For 10 of those years, he was also involved in regional IT management.

Dr. Chow has founded and advised a number of start ups in the Internet, health care technology, storage, and database spaces. In 2004 he was awarded 3 U.S. patents for co-inventing a network storage architecture 2 orders of magnitude faster than competitive designs. He also developed commercial database software that accelerated very large database (VLB) processing 240-fold. He has been an author and invited speaker at industry conferences. Dr. Chow earned his A.B. with honors from Harvard University and his M.D. from the University of California at San Diego. In 2005 he received his MBA from the University of California at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, where he graduated as valedictorian.

Prof. Freimut Bodendorf

Head of the Department of Information Systems, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Freimut is Director of the Institute of Information Systems and Head of the Department Services–Processes – Intelligence at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He received an M.S. degree (Diplom) in Computer Science from the School of Engineering and a Ph. D. degree (Doctor) from the School of Management of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Subsequently he was head of an IS department at the School of Medicine of the University of Freiburg/Germany, full professor at the Postgraduate School of Engineering in Nuremberg,Germany, and full professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems of the University of Fribourg/Switzerland.

Freimut is member of the Executive Board of the Regional Computing Center Erlangen, of the German National Association for Computer Science (Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI), of the Special Interest Group Business Informatics at the GI, of the German National Association for Higher Education in Business Management (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, VHB), of the Scientific Committee of the VHB, and of the International Association for Computer Information Systems. He has been supervisor of research programs with more than 20 companies and member of more than 30 international scientific committees and editorial boards. He is author or co-author of more than 20 books and more than 200 refereed articles in journals, books, and proceedings. Freimut will be playing a leadership role in building alignment between SRII and academia.

Ralph D. Badinelli

Lenz Professor of Business Information Technology, Virginia Tech, USA

Ralph Badinelli is a professor in the Department of Business Information Technology of the Pamplin College of Business of Virginia Tech. He received Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Management from the Krannert Graduate School of Business of Purdue University, an M.S. degree in Physics from Purdue University, and a B.S. degree in Mathematics and Physics from Hofstra University. His teaching responsibilities are in the areas of operations management and quantitative methods for business at the undergraduate, MBA and doctoral levels. He has taught many executive-development seminars on the subjects of project management, quality improvement, production and inventory control, and business strategy.

Dr. Badinelli has published refereed articles across a wide range of topics including service science, inventory control policies, revenue management, probability estimation and decision analysis. Dr. Badinelli is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), Project Management Institute (PMI) and a certified member of the Association for Operations Management (APICS), the 2010 Chairperson of the INFORMS Service Science Section and Secretary of the Service Research & Innovation Institute (SRII).

Manish Gupta

Vice President at Xerox Corporation and Director of Xerox Research Center, India

Manish has served as Managing Director, Technology Division at Goldman Sachs in India, and has held various leadership positions with IBM, including that of Director, IBM Research - India and Chief Technologist, IBM India/South Asia. From 2001 to 2006, he served as a Senior Manager at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, where he led the team developing system software for the Blue Gene/L supercomputer. IBM was awarded a National Medal of Technology and Innovation for the invention of Blue Gene by US President Barack Obama in 2009.

Manish earned a B.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT Delhi in 1987 and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 1992. He has co-authored over 75 papers, with more than 5,000 citations in Google Scholar, in the areas of high-performance computing, compilers, and virtual machine optimizations, and has been granted more than 15 US patents.

While at IBM, Manish received an Outstanding Innovation Award, two Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards and the Lou Gerstner Team Award for Client Excellence. He is an ACM Fellow. Manish will be playing a leadership role in driving SRII initiatives for emerging markets including a leadership for SRII India.

Barbara Holzapfel

Chief Marketing Officer at Addepar

Barbara Holzapfel has a 20+ years’ successful track record in enterprise software and consumer products, specializing in innovation and marketing strategies.

Barbara currently serves as Chief Marketing Officer at Addepar, responsible for all elements of marketing and communications for the company. Addepar is driving the future of investment management through its technology platform that delivers integrity, transparency and impact to one of the world’s largest industries.

Previously, Barbara was Senior Vice President and Managing Director of SAP Labs North America, responsible for strategy and operations in the US and Canada. She drove innovation strategies for SAP Labs NA, launched new innovation channels and successfully transformed market perception. She directed key innovations in Mobile, Cloud, and Big Data and incubated a new partner ecosystem. In addition, she was part of SAP’s Global Leadership Team.

Barbara held leadership positions at SAP since 2001. She served as SVP Portfolio Marketing, where she directed strategic marketing for SAP’s entire portfolio, leading to significant business growth. Barbara held positions as Chief Operating Officer Solution Marketing, Vice President Supplier Relationship Management Strategy, where she launched and scaled a new business unit, and Vice President Product Marketing. She began her career at SAP as Marketing Director EMEA for SAP Markets.

Prior to SAP, Barbara set up the European marketing function for global professional services provider Towers Perrin. Before that, she worked as a management consultant in London where she served clients in Financial Services and High Tech, after spending several years with The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta in Global Strategic Marketing. Barbara began her career at Deutsche Bank in Germany.

Barbara holds an MBA from the University of Michigan Business School, and a business and economics degree in from The University of Saarbruecken, Germany. She serves on the Board of Trustees of the Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology, the Board of Directors of the German American Business Association, and is a past Board Director of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG) and SVForum. Barbara received numerous awards and has been selected by German Business Magazine Capital among the “Top 40 under 40”.

Chris Kemp

Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Nebula Inc.

As the Chief Technology Officer for IT at NASA, Chris was responsible for pioneering work in cloud computing, open source, and open government. Chris served on the Cloud Computing Executive Steering Committee, and chaired the Cloud Standards Working Group. Previously, he served as the CIO of NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley where he forged partnerships with Google and Microsoft and helped create Google Moon, Google Mars, and Microsoft World Wide Telescope. He was responsible for NASA’s Nebula Cloud Computing Project and co-founded the OpenStack project. Prior to joining NASA, Chris helped create the third largest online community Classmates.com, was the founding CEO of the leading web based vacation rental platform Escapia (AWAY), and, as the founding CEO of Netran, developed the first online grocery shopping platform for Kroger, the world’s largest grocery store chain.

Chris Kemp will be leading the SRII Focus Group on "Innovating Cloud Services".

Jay Lee

Professor at Univ. of Cincinnati Founding Director of NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research

Dr. Jay Lee is Ohio Eminent Scholar, L.W. Scott Alter Chair Professor, and Distinguished Univ. Professor at the Univ. of Cincinnati and is founding director of National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) on Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS www.imscenter.net) which is a multi-campus NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center. Since its inception in 2001, the Center has been supported by over 80 global companies in 15 countries. He has also been Program Directors for a number of programs at NSF during 1991-1998.

His current research focuses on intelligent machinery prognostics and intelligent maintenance systems as well as dominant innovation for product service innovation design. He serves as honorary professor and visiting professor for a number of institutions including Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., City Univ. of Hong Kong, Cranfield Univ. in UK, Lulea Univ. of Technology in Sweden, Hong Kong PolyU., Xian Jiao Tong Univ. and Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in China. In addition, he also serves as advisor to a number of global organizations, including a member of the Manufacturing Executive Leadership Board of U.S., Member of International Scientific Committee for Alstom, Scientific Committee Member of Singapore SIMTech, Scientific Advisory Board of Flanders' MECHATRONICS Technology Centre (FMTC) in Leuven, Belgium, etc. He also served as an advisory member for a number of institutions including, Johns Hopkins Univ., Cambridge Univ., etc.

In addition, he serves as editors and associate editor for a number of journals including IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, Int. Journal on Prognostics & Health Management (IJPHM), Int. Journal on Service Operations and Informatics, etc, He is a Fellow of ASME, SME, as well as a founding fellow of International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM) and has received a number of awards including NSF Alex Schwarzkopf Technologcal Innovation Prize in Jan. 2014 and Prognostics Innovation Award at NI Week by National Instruments in 2012. He mentored his students and developed a spin-off company Predictronics through NSF ICorps Award in 2012. . He is a frequently invited speaker and has delivered over 180 invited keynote and plenary speeches at major international conferences.

Dr. Geng Lin

CTO of Corporate Networks at Google

SRII Cloud Services Innovation Initiatives

Dr. Geng Lin is the CTO of Corporate Networks at Google. In this role, he leads the transformation of enterprise networking architecture to support the cloud-based IT service model both within Google and with Google cloud customers. Previously, he was CTO of Networking Business at Dell where he had the overall responsibility for technology strategy, system architecture, product innovation, and partnership and acquisition of key technologies, for Dell's networking business. He was appointed Dell Fellow in January 2013. Prior to Dell, he was CTO of IBM Alliance at Cisco Systems where he was responsible for technology direction, strategy, and solution development of the joint Cisco-IBM solution portfolio world wide.

In his 20+ years in the networking industry, he has also served as Vice President of Software Engineering at Netopia (acquired by Motorola), Director of Engineering at Cisco Systems, and Director of Product Strategy at Nortel Networks.

Dr. Lin is widely recognized as a leading expert in cloud networking and system architectures. He is a co-inventor of NVGRE network virtualization framework and an expert in Software Defined Networking. He is a contributing author of 2 books and over 60 papers and conference speeches.

Grace Lin

Vice President and Director General, Advance Research Institute at Institute for Information Industry (III), Taiwan
SRII Strategic Advisor for Asia & Emerging Markets

Dr. Grace Lin is the Director General and VP of the Advanced Research Institute at Institute for Information Industry (III) , a government think tank in Information Technology Industry in Taiwan. Dr. Lin is leading several national development programs, such as Smart Living, Smart Healthcare, Smart Tourism, Smart Media,and Smart Community related strategic initiatives. Prior to joining Institute for Information Industry, she worked at IBM for 18 years in various capacities such as Research manager for e-Business Optimization at IBM T.J Watson Research Center and has been a recognized leader and innovator in the areas of Supply Chain Management.

Dr. Lin is an INFORMS Fellow, Chair of the INFORMS Fellow Selection Committee, a member of the Edelman Award Committee, and on the editorial board of the INFORMS Interface Journal and Service Science Journal. Dr. Lin has served on university and government panels and boards, and on editorial boards of major journals including Operations Research and MSOM. She has chaired a number of INFORMS and IEEE conferences, and is a frequent keynote speaker at international conferences and global company strategy sessions. She has also served as an Adjunct Full Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) at Columbia University and has published more than 60 technical papers, book chapters, and articles,and co-authored seven patents, with another five pending Dr. Lin received her Ph.D. in IE and M.S. in Applied Math from Purdue University,and an M.S. and B.S. in Math from Taiwan’s Tsing-Hua University.

Dr. Sanjoy Paul

Head of Accenture Technology Labs India

Dr. Paul is the Head of Accenture Technology Labs India where he leads Innovations for Emerging Economy. Prior to joining Accenture, Sanjoy was Associate Vice President and General Manager at Infosys Technologies where he led research and innovation in the field of Communications, Media and Entertainment. Earlier, he was also a Research Professor at Rutgers University, Founder of Relevant Ad Technologies, Director of Wireless Networking Research at Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, and CTOs of two start-up companies based in New York. Sanjoy is known for many innovations, including, iSmart Power Strip, an award-winning innovation in the field of Energy Management; Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol, one of the first reliable transport protocols over IP Multicast; and Smart Content Caching, the key concept behind Lucent Technology’s Internet Content Distribution and Delivery product line.

Sanjoy has over twenty five years of technology expertise, specifically in the areas of Mobile Wireless Networking and Applications for various Verticals, such as, Healthcare, Retail, Energy, Transportation etc.; Cloud Computing and Applications for Emerging Economy; Software Engineering Tools and Frameworks; Future Internet Architecture and Design; and Security Technologies including multi-modal Biometrics.

He served as an editor of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Guest Editor of IEEE Network Special Issue on Multicasting, Steering Committee member of IEEE COMSNETS, General Chair of ICDCN 2011, IMSAA 2010 and COMSWARE 2007; Technical Program Chair of COMSWARE 2006, and as a Technical Program Committee Member of several IEEE and ACM International conferences.

Sanjoy has authored two books, the first one on Multicasting (Kluwer, 1996), and the second on Digital Video Distribution (Wiley, 2010), published over 100 papers in International Journals and refereed Conference Proceedings, and authored over 100 US patents (42 granted, 60+ pending). He is the co-recipient of 2013 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award from the R&D Council of New Jersey, the co-recipient of 1997 William R. Bennett award from IEEE Communications Society for the best original paper in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and the co-recipient of Infosys Excellence Award for Innovations and Thought Leadership for the invention of iSmart Power Strip. Sanjoy, with his colleague, also received MIT Technology Reviews’ Grand Challenges for India 2010 award for innovation in Smart Energy.

Sanjoy holds a Bachelor of Technology degree from IIT Kharagpur, an M.S and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Maryland, College Park, and an MBA from the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of the IET.

Jeffrey Welser

Director of Services Research at IBM Alamden Research Center
SRII leader for IT Service Management—Models/Methods/Tools/Standards

Dr. Jeffrey Welser is currently the Director of Almaden Services Research, managing a portfolio of research into improved business processes, software, and technology to enable IBM's Global Business and Technology services divisions. Dr. Welser received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1995, and joined IBM's Research Division at the T.J. Watson Research Center. Since joining IBM, he has worked on a variety of novel devices, including nano-crystal and quantum-dot memories, vertical-FET DRAM, and Si-based opticaldetectors, and eventually took over managing the Novel Silicon Device group at Watson.

In 2000, he took an assignment in Technology grouphead quarters, and then joined the Microelectronics division in 2001, as projectmanager for the high-performance CMOS device design groups. In May 2003, he wasnamed Director of high-performance SOI and BEOL technology development, inaddition to his continuing work as the IBM Management Committee Leader for theSony, Toshiba, and AMD development alliances.

In late 2003, Dr. Welser returned to the Research division as the Director of Next Generation Technology Components, looking at technology, hardware, and software components for systems in the 2008-2012 timeframe. Starting in 2006, Jeff served as the Director of the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (NRI), a subsidiary of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). The NRI is a consortium of leading U.S. Semiconductor firms which partners with NIST, NSF, and state governments to support university-based research on future nanoscale logic devices to replace the CMOS transistor in the 2020 timeframe. In mid-2012, Dr. Welser took on his current role in Services Research, and is now based at the IBM Almaden Research Centerin San Jose, CA. Jeff has also been an adjunct professor at Columbia University where he taught semiconductor device physics.

Ryan Windham

Head of Corporate Strategy, F5 Networks

Ryan Windham is Head of Corporate Strategy at F5 Networks, where he’s responsible for developing, communicating, and driving F5’s strategy. In this role, Ryan is leading F5’s transformation from load balancing point-product to Application Delivery Networking platform. Previously, he was Senior Director of Product Management for F5’s fastest growing business segment – security.

Prior to joining F5, Ryan held multiple business and product leadership posts at Websense, including a two year stint in the UK leading product development for Websense’s cloud-based security services. Most recently, he ran Websense’s Corporate Development, Business Development, & Strategy organization which was responsible for M&A, strategic alliances, and new business ventures.

Ryan began his IT career as a network engineer over 15 years ago and holds several professional certifications including MCSE and CCNP. Ryan graduated with honors from The Wharton School with an MBA in Finance and holds a BSc in Business Administration from the University of London.