SRII Global Conference
About SRII Global Conference
The Service Industries have been the dominant contributor to GDP and employment in both developed as well as developing countries all around the world. This global phenomenon of services economy growth has largely been achieved due to major advances in the fields of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT).
But the future growth of Services and advances in ICT will require much deeper understanding of Services and the related industries such as healthcare, finance, telecom, retail, energy, education...etc and developing the right technology platform /solutions for different usage models and work loads.
The field of services is too large and complex for any one organization to completely understand all the issues and their requirements and find all the right answers.
SRII is a global professional organization for driving Service Research & Innovation and addressing the above “mega challenges” and connecting Services to Science & Engineering. SRII is led by the major IT companies in close partnership with research/professional organizations, and academia as well as government organizations from around the world.
The SRII Global Conference is a forum for industry, research/professional organizations, and academia to share their research work on all the key areas of Services and especially connecting Science & Engineering to Services delivered through major verticals such as health care, financial, telecom, retail, education, government, and energy, to name a few.
To leverage the major service research work done by other key organizations, the SRII Conference is organized in close participation with SRII partner organizations such as IEEE, ACM, INFORMS, ITRI, CSIRO, Fraunhofer, and Nessi.
SRII Global Conference will include:
- An increase in Invited Papers around specific topics and themes
- Parallel tracks of Research Paper presentations
- Participation by University Students
- Participation by Industry Leaders and Start-up IT Companies
- A Hackathon
- A final Gala Event for networking and socializing
- Panel Sessions addressing salient topics in IT-enabled service.
- Keynote Speakers from leading Silicon-Valley companies, international government agencies and leading researchers.
- Innovation Showcase to display the cutting-edge products and services of leading IT companies and startups.
- Special Event at UC Berkeley -- Building Entrepreneurship Program/Curriculum.